EurBer Testing: Committed to escorting enterprise product testing and certification

Guangdong EurBer Testing and Certification Co., Ltd.

EurBer Testing

Professional testing agency

Committed to the escort of enterprise product testing and certification

IP protection level

IP protection level

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  • Complete qualifications

IP(INGRESS PROTECTION)防护等级系统是由IEC(INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION)所起草,将电器依其防尘防湿气之特性加以分级。IP防护等级是由两个数字所组成,第1个数字表示电器防尘、防止外物侵入的等级(这里所指的外物含工具,人的手指等均不可接触到电器之内带电部分,以免触电),第2个数字表示电器防湿气、防水浸入的密闭程度,数字越大表示其防护等级越高。

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