EurBer Testing: Committed to escorting enterprise product testing and certification

Guangdong EurBer Testing and Certification Co., Ltd.

EurBer Testing

Professional testing agency

Committed to the escort of enterprise product testing and certification

Fire products

Fire products

  • Consult customer service for details


  • Quick verification
  • Professional team
  • Complete qualifications

典型样品:防火门、防水卷材 、消防器材 、消防应急 灯具、手提式灭火器、消防水枪、消防接口、消防应急灯具专用应急电源、家用燃气泄漏报警器、消防水带、消防水枪、应急灯等。

常规项目:耐火性能、拉力、延伸率、不透水性、低温柔性、耐热性、热老化、渗油性、接缝剥离强度、可溶物含量、胎基材料 、基本功能试验、电压波动试验等。

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